How to join
Are you a Skiing School and do you wish to join the Book your Ski Instructor team?
BOOK YOUR SKI INSTRUCTOR is the free online booking system that the Italian Ski Instructors Association (AMSI) offers to all of its member Schools.
For the season 2017-18 we renew graphic design of our site and power it with new services!
Here are the services that the schools would be able to access:
- SCHOOL DATA UPDATES: AMSI school will have an access to the private area where you'll be able to uppload images and other info about your school Request an access now.
- VISIBILITY: You`ll be able to choose your visibility; simple description or a full booking system. We also include a list of service-packages with promo actions and web marketing if required.
- BOOKING: Each school could choose one of the folowing booking methods:
- Booking with “Prenota il tuo maestro” system. Service is advised as a choice for the schools that don`t have any personal booking system.
- Booking through the third-party systems (example Skiwork).
- Simple link to the personal web-site.
- No booking (school is just enlisted with title and some data).
- ADVANCED RESEARCH: L’obiettivo di prenotailtuomaestro è quello di consentire al cliente di trovare il corso più adatto alle proprie esigenze. Design accattivante e funzionalità semplificate migliorano l’esperienza utente e aumentano le conversioni di vendita dei corsi.
- CUSTOMER SERVICE: Sarà sempre attivo il servizio di Customare services per rispondere alle domande di scuole, maestri e sciatori.
- REVIEWS: Gli utenti potranno lasciare i propri commenti sulla scuola, sui maestri e sulle loro esperienze in pista.
- WEB MARKETING PROMOTIONS PACKAGES: Potrai scegliere di attivare servizi di promozione sul web creati su misura per la tua Scuola.
For major information about how you can update your informations and adhere to our project please fill the data from below: